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Time for change.
May 05, 2015
On the 24th April hot off the plane from India I was invited to the launch of a film called The True Cost directed by Andrew Morgan hosted by Iman Amed owner of the BOF (Business of Fashion) at the Ham Yard Hotel in Soho, London.
The film highlights the issues faced in the fashion industry after the collapse of the factory at Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh which killed over 1,100 workers and disabled many others.
On the panel discussing the issues was the Observer journalist and advocate of ethical fashion and green issues Lucy Seigle, Livia Firth, creative director of Eco-Age, a sustainability brand consultancy and Andrew Morgan who admitted he had no interest in fashion until he started work creating this documentary.
The film doesn’t make easy viewing, you can take a look at it on the link in this blog, it does however make you think about where fashion comes from, the many people who are involved in each supply chain for each piece of clothing and the conditions they have to endure.
This topic is close to our heart – no one in this day and age should have to work in inhumane conditions and be underpaid and for what? A piece of fashion that you my wear 10 or so times?
The panel asked us to think about how much we are purchasing and where from. This is a little idealistic after all who can resist the hit you get from buying something new to wear. We think it is the designers, and manufacturers who need to take responsibility – more international industry standards need to be put in place to ensure the well being of humankind.
Ask yourself, what is the true cost of what you purchase?
Thank you to The Guardian for the shot
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